Honored to be recognized with a Communicator Award of Distinction and with a Charlie Award by the Florida Magazine Association.
Once you submit your votes up through category 43, you can choose to enter to be in the running to win the HW Good Stuff Giveaway, where $200 of gift cards for a variety of offerings across Horizon West will be awarded!
Voting once per day (24 hrs) per category is allowed thru August 15, 2024. Choosing up to 2 options per category in one vote is allowed as we'll be honoring 1st and 2nd place at the Good Stuff Awards Gala on September 26th!
If your device is not adjusting to show the next category, please scroll up to reveal it!
Some categories are longer than others and scrolling up works on some but not all devices.
Publishers of the annually printed
Living in Horizon West magazine.
Creators of the annual
Horizon West Good Stuff Awards Gala & Good Stuff Guide.
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