Honored to be recognized with a Communicator Award of Distinction and with a Charlie Award by the Florida Magazine Association.
What Exactly Does New Suburbanism Mean?
Horizon West is a reflection of a movement called New Suburbanism - which includes an overall “master plan” that allows for thoughtful design of a community around the principles of healthy living, access to community amenities, schools, shops and restaurants in a village-centric style. New Suburbanism is a reaction to the uninspired conditions one would likely find in an inner city, which differs from the opportunities presented by 23,000 acres and 38 square miles of blank canvas.
Taking the core principles of New Suburbanism, created by reformers in the late 19th century who believed that the home and its surroundings were the crux for citizenship within a community, the land owners built a plan that focused on “Garden Cities” as a model for urban planning. Included in the plan were broad green spaces, a mix of housing types that included single-family homes, apartments and townhomes; all of which were surrounded by schools, small businesses and a greenbelt that created a natural limit to the size of the village and prevented sprawl. All amenities within each village were to be located within walking distance of the homes, to provide access to residents without having to drive, much as you would expect to find in well-designed New Urban centers.
The New Suburbanism Master Plan of Horizon West
Big ideas often have a small start, and that’s no exception in the story of New Suburbanism in Horizon West. Decades before Horizon West became the place we call home, it was comprised of thousands of acres of citrus groves, owned by a handful of dedicated farm and land owners. When a series of freezes destroyed the land in the late eighties and early nineties, the land owners realized that the land would need to evolve into something new in order to avoid the urban sprawl that had been seen across Central Florida in other developing areas. No one knew what that would look like, although many ideas were thrown into the mix. What the farmers did know is that they wanted the land to have a higher purpose; a cohesive plan that would prevent sprawl, provide a higher quality lifestyle to residents, and stand out as a shining example of what’s possible when intelligent design, wellness and community come together. They began working together to create what would become the framework for a community unlike any other the region had seen before.
Master Planning Has Massive Benefits!
Planning the community in this way would allow for opportunities that you’d expect to find in these city centers but that urban sprawl prevents:
This mix of urban conveniences and relaxed living was designed to create close-knit communities that also inspire a culture of wellness and better quality of life. The outcome of New Suburban planning is exactly what you would expect: happier and healthier people, families, and communities.
A Perfect Blend Of City And Suburb…
New Suburbanism includes many of the New Urbanism ideals while incorporating amenities that the average resident would expect in a suburban landscape; amenities such as movie theaters, restaurants, supermarkets, cutting edge healthcare, vet services and specialty shops. Denser, mixed housing (single-family homes, narrow lot homes, attached townhouses and rental apartments) makes for a broader tax base. This also meets needs for multiple income levels and stages of life.
The village-centric design, dense at the center and more spacious as you move away from the center, also creates space for multiple businesses in the village center, elementary schools in each village and opportunities for walking or biking in each of the villages. Providing space for everyday services and pleasures close to home means healthier lifestyles, as people can choose to leave the car in the garage and walk or bike to their destinations. The village and town center spaces can serve as parks and playgrounds as well as locations for community favorites such as Food Truck Nights, Holiday celebrations, festivals, and unique events such as The Vernardos Circus which made it's Horizon West debut in our town center of Hamlin in 2018 and was beloved by all ages.
Creating A Culture Of Wellness
Village centers and greenbelts around the
villages also can host community gardens, organic farms or nature preserves.
It’s no secret that accessibility to nature, particularly in functional ways,
contributes to an overall sense of wellness. Healthy West Orange has created a series
of ongoing initiatives that are integrated into the design of Horizon West and
provide opportunity for residents to get out, get fit and get connected.
As residents, we can help create, shape and carry forward the ideals gifted to us by the land-owners so long ago. Our story is still being written and we have an opportunity every day to live out the model simply by walking out of our front doors. Walking our kids to school, biking to The Hamlin Artisan Market, strolling to a movie at Cinepolis with our families or enjoying a hike along the miles of pathways are just some of the ways that we can enjoy the benefits of New Suburbanism every day.
Be A Part Of Bringing It To Life!
To embrace the ideals and continue the legacy of Horizon West's unique Master Plan, we all must all get involved and do our part. This involvement can mean attending community events with your family and shopping local to support the Horizon West economy. Attending public meetings to hold county commissioners, community developers and business owners accountable for upholding the ideals of village centered living is our responsibility as well. As the story continues to unfold, growth will continue in Horizon West. It's working together as informed and involved residents that will allow the full vision of the Horizon West to truly come to life!
Publishers of the annually printed
Living in Horizon West magazine.
Creators of the annual
Horizon West Good Stuff Awards Gala & Good Stuff Guide.
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