Honored to be recognized with a Communicator Award of Distinction and with a Charlie Award by the Florida Magazine Association.
People who have more access to green environments, such as parks and trails, tend to walk and be more physically active than those with limited access. The closer people live to a park and the safer they feel in the park, the more likely they are to walk or bike to those places and use the park for physical activity.
Horizon West is fortunate to be scattered with many community and Orange County Public Parks and the Horizon West Regional Park that is breaking ground this week will be a regional gem, providing even more opportunities to get our body moving in nature and to connect with our friends and family - both key elements to living a thriving life here in Horizon West!
Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings and District 1 Commissioner Nicole Wilson invite you, your family and friends to attend the Horizon West Regional Park Groundbreaking on Thursday, February 15 at 9:30 a.m.
This event is free and open to the public. The site is at Hamlin Groves Trail and Mann Road, Winter Garden -- see Google map link on https://tinyurl.com/HorizonWestRegPark.
Questions? Email parks@ocfl.net or call Parks Marketing 407-836-6257. You can also RSVP on Facebook >>
Publishers of the annually printed
Living in Horizon West magazine.
Creators of the annual
Horizon West Good Stuff Awards Gala & Good Stuff Guide.
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